Media Cooperations & PR

Hello – nice to meet you!

The biggest wall we have to climb is the one we build in our mind.

Working on the physical aspects of climbing are of course important aspects of growth in climbing, but at the end of the day, everything comes from the mind. If our attention isn’t in the right place, if we aren't motivated to go training, if we don't feel confident or if your mindset and motivations don’t line up: being strong won’t help us climb well unless we have a good mindset.

If you are run a podcast and/or work for print/digital media agency and would like to cooperate with us, don't hesitate to reach out and have a chat about it.

Among others, we have been featured in several climbing media, such as UKC magazine, KLETTERN, Climbing Magazine, Training Beta Podcast, a Curious Mind Podcast, and so on.

Book a free meeting to have a chat about your plans and to find out if/how we can support you in the best possible way.

We're looking forward to hearing from you,

The Climbing Psychology Team

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